
Showing posts from 2017

Carbon Nanotube (CNT)

Carbon nanotubes (CNT) were discovered in 1991 by Sumio Iijima. Carbon nanotube is a thin cylindrical material made by carbon. Carbon nanotubes having many structure, different in shape and size. The thermal, electrical and structural properties of nanotubes quite depend upon shape and size of nanotube. A nanotube is about 10,000 times small than human hair. Due to small size of nanotube the bonding between the atoms is very strong. CNT are almost 100 times stronger than steel. CNT are already used in polymer to enhance conductivity. A nanotube looks like rolled-up chicken wire with a continuous unbroken hexagonal mesh and carbon molecules at the peak of the hexagons. Currently, the most popular use for carbon nanotubes is in structural reinforcement. The high strength and low weight of CNT increases the strength of structure. Depending upon the number of layers, the CNT are classified as below:- single-walled nanotube (SWNT):-  It consists of a single graphene sheet rolled...

Building Integreated Photovoltaic (BIPV)

Building-integrated  photovoltaic (BIPV) is a new design opportunity for Architects and Civil Engineers. BIPV are photovoltaic material used in building envelope. It can be used on both new and existing buildings. Their use in the building envelope is very varied and opens many opportunities for creative designers.  Many architects have already integrated PV successfully in their buildings. BIPV is also electric power system used to produce electricity. For  example,  a  BIPV  skylight  is  an  integral  component  of  the  building envelope  as  well  as  a  solar  electric  energy  system that generates electricity for buildings. Photovoltaic (PV) applications are applied into different parts of building: Ø    Roof PV Roofs Ø   Skylights Skylights Ø   Semi-transparent facade Ø   Exter...

Thermal Bridging

                       The Aerogel insulation technology developed  by NASA. Thermal bridging is an acute problem  when it comes to insulating building. It is  estimated that 40% of our energy is used to  control the temperature in buildings alone.  Over 30% of the energy  used  for temperature  control  in  buildings  escape through  walls,  more  than  through  the  floor, windows or roof. The study show 38% of the walls heat loss can be  through the studs of the structure. Thermal bridges take places commonly in  reinforced concrete exterior walls surrounding,  ring beams, lintels doors, reinforced concrete or  steel frame beams, columns, reinforced concrete,  where the metal frame and window extrude to  outside. Cover the whole building without any  missed area, which means no "holes" in t...

Self Healing Concrete

Concrete will continue to be the most important material used in the construction industry, from the foundation of buildings to the structure of bridges. But most Concrete structures are prone to cracking. Tiny cracks on the surface of concrete make the whole structure vulnerable because water seeps into degrade the concrete and corrode the steel reinforcement, greatly reducing the lifespan of a structure. Hendrik Jonkers, a microbiologist at Delft University has a plan to increase the lifespan of many civil engineering structures. He has worked closely with civil and structural engineering to learn about the properties of concrete and steel reinforcement, and develop the concrete. His innovation, which embeds self-activating limestone-producing bacteria into building material, is designed to decrease the amount of new concrete produced and lower maintenance and repair costs for different types of structures. HOW DOES BIOCONCRETE WORK? Self-healing concrete is a ...